Monday, August 5, 2013

What the "F" is Wrong with Anthony Weiner?

I had to select a black and white photo to illustrate this post because the answer as to what to do about Anthony Weiner is black and white. Reject this shameless reject!  The hubris of this narcissist is not only now legendary but a slap in the face to the voters of New York City for turning this democratic mayoral primary race into a three ring circus.  The social and economic issues facing New Yorkers should be in the forefront of the public debate, not the exploits of Carlos Danger.

This is what scares me about politics.  Does political power corrupt or are corrupt people drawn to politics in higher numbers than other professions because of their flaming egos?  Or, are they just more visible, easier to ferret out and identify than those who are flying under the radar in jobs that do not receive much publicity?

Any which way, I am appalled at his insistence that he will not drop out of the race.  His polling numbers have tanked so I guess the voters are making their opinions known.

And what the "f" is wrong with Huma Abedin and her public show of loyalty to such a perv and a sleaze?  I'm not cutting her any slack for debasing herself in such an embarrassing manner.

When the scandal first broke, I sympathized with her predicament.  Five months pregnant, a respected aide to Hillary Clinton, perhaps with career aspirations of her own that probably included the White House, smart, savvy, "political" in her own right.  But really, appearing in People Magazine with their adorable baby boy espousing all the sanitized words to put this unfortunate incident behind them, and then having to eat crow, double fried and splashed with scathing hot pepper sauce, as that jack-a$$ husband of hers would not, could not answer interviewers' or constituents' straight-forward questions about his continued twitchy Twitter fingers.  Oh no, he twisted every question into the answer that his unwavering ability to face the city's difficult problems head on was what mattered most.  Oh no, he wouldn't cut and run.  Whaaaaat?

Now Huma will appear in September's Harper's Bazaar, interviewed in an article crafted before the most recent exposure of Weiner's continued sexting as recently as this past April.  What an embarrassment.  Could it be that she's taking a page from Hillary's for-better-or-worse playbook, especially when her own political ambitions are at stake?  Could it be, as some pundits claim, that once a woman has a child with a loser, she feels obligated to carry him on her shoulders, to prevent him from crumbling so he can adequately parent his child?  Huma has had to swallow an awful lot of emotional abuse from the very man who is supposed to be the one person in the world to defend and protect her.

Here's Kristen Chenowith's hilarious send-up of Anthony's weiner in this parody of the song "Popular" she made famous in the Broadway mega-hit, Wicked.  Have yourself a wicked good laugh!

[photo credit: <a href="">Tony Fischer Photography</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>]

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